Monday, October 7, 2013


Music plays an important part in my life; it helps me through tough times. When people aren’t there for me, music is. I’ve always loved music. Not many people like my type of music because it’s rock music. Most of it is “screaming” and people judge it because they don’t think it’s really music. I’ve always said; “People judge my music and call it satanic, I call it music because I know what they’re saying and it has meaning”. If it weren’t for music, I could honestly say I wouldn’t be here right now talking about this. Music has been saving my life for quite some time now, and I know I’m not the only one who could say that. There is a reason I listen to rock, and that’s because they’re music has a meaning. For example, rap music doesn’t really have much meaning, all they rap about is girls and inappropriate things. I’m not saying that that it’s not music, I’m just stating my opinion, which is that rap doesn’t have a meaning. This why I listen to the music I listen to.