Tuesday, December 10, 2013

          What’s on Your Mind?

I have a lot of stuff going on in my mind. Ever since I stopped going to school, I’ve been feeling sad and I have been having these mood swings. I really miss all of my friends, and now I won’t be able to see them anymore. I’ll be lucky if my parents even let me go back to the same school. I won’t be going to an actual school probably until January or February. These past few weeks have been the worst for me. I never thought it’d be me to say this, but I want to go back to school like everyone else is and be able to see my friends again. It’s super boring to stay at my house and do absolutely nothing besides homework! I don’t think anyone should ever be home schooled, it’s the worst. To be honest, I wish I never did what I did because now I am stuck being homeschooled for like 2 months! My parents want me to move to another school but I totally disagree with that because I won’t know anyone and it’s hard to make new friends when you’re in high school. I want to go back and be able to see everyone that I know. There is also another reason why I don’t want to go back. The reason is because I feel like my friends are going to treat me differently an ask so many other questions which I don’t want ANYONE to ask me nothing or treat me different. I want to be treated the same way I was treated when I went there.                        


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